
The Gini Vision Library provides two integration options. A Screen API that is easy to implement and a more complex, but also more flexible Component API. Both APIs can access the complete functionality of the library.

Note: iOS 10: Irrespective of the option you choose if you want to support iOS 10 you need to specify the NSCameraUsageDescription key in your Info.plist file. This key is mandatory for all apps since iOS 10 when using the Camera framework. Also if you’re using the Gini Library for iOS or the old version Gini iOS SDK you need to add support for “Keychain Sharing” in your entitlements by adding a keychain-access-groups value to your entitlements file.

Note: iOS 14 Starting in iOS 14, PhotoKit further enhances user privacy controls with the addition of the limited Photos library, which lets users select specific assets and resources to share with an app. Add an entry to your Info.plist file with the appropriate key. If your app only adds to the library, use the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key. For all other cases, use NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.

Screen API

The Screen API provides a custom UIViewController object, which can be presented modally. It handles the complete process from showing the onboarding until providing a UI for the analysis. The Screen API, in turn, offers two different ways of implementation:

Using this method you don’t need to care about handling the analysis process with the Gini Library for iOS, you only need to provide your API credentials and a delegate to get the analysis results.

let viewController = GiniVision.viewController(withClient: client,
                                               configuration: giniConfiguration,
                                               resultsDelegate: resultsDelegate)

present(viewController, animated: true, completion:nil)

Optionally if you want to use Certificate pinning, provide metadata for the upload process or use the Accounting API, you can pass both your public key pinning configuration (see TrustKit repo for more information), the metadata information and the API type (the Gini API is used by default) as follows:

import TrustKit

let yourPublicPinningConfig = [
    kTSKPinnedDomains: [
    "": [
        kTSKPublicKeyHashes: [
        // old * public key
        // new * public key, active from around June 2020
    "": [
        kTSKPublicKeyHashes: [
        // old * public key
        // new * public key, active from around June 2020
]] as [String: Any]

let viewController = GiniVision.viewController(withClient: client,
                                               configuration: giniConfiguration,
                                               resultsDelegate: resultsDelegate,
                                               publicKeyPinningConfig: yourPublicPinningConfig,
                                               documentMetadata: documentMetadata,
                                               api: .accounting)

present(viewController, animated: true, completion:nil)

⚠️ Important

  • The document metadata for the upload process is intended to be used for reporting.
  • The multipage is supported only by the .default api, not the .accounting api. The GiniConfiguration.multipageEnabled property must not be true if you use the .accounting api.

Only UI

In case that you decide to use only the UI and to handle all the analysis process (either using the Gini Library for iOS or with your own implementation of the API), just get the UIViewController as follows:

let viewController = GiniVision.viewController(withDelegate: self,
                                               withConfiguration: giniConfiguration)

present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Component API

The Component API provides a custom UIViewController for each screen. This allows a maximum of flexibility, as the screens can be presented modally, used in a container view or pushed to a navigation view controller. Make sure to add your own navigational elements around the provided views.

To also use the GiniConfiguration with the Component API just use the GiniVision.setConfiguration(_:) as follows:

let giniConfiguration = GiniConfiguration()

The components that can be found in the library are:

  • Camera: The actual camera screen to capture the image of the document, to import a PDF or an image or to scan a QR Code (CameraViewController).
  • Review: Offers the opportunity to the user to check the sharpness of the image and eventually to rotate it into reading direction (ReviewViewController).
  • Multipage Review: Allows to check the quality of one or several images and the possibility to rotate and reorder them (MultipageReviewViewController).
  • Analysis: Provides a UI for the analysis process of the document by showing the user capture tips when an image is analyzed or the document information when it is a PDF. In both cases an image preview of the document analyzed will be shown (AnalysisViewController).
  • Help: Helpful tutorials indicating how to use the open with feature, which are the supported file types and how to capture better photos for a good analysis (HelpMenuViewController).
  • No results: Shows some suggestions to capture better photos when there are no results after an analysis (ImageAnalysisNoResultsViewController).