
  • The AnalysisViewController provides a custom analysis screen which shows the upload and analysis activity. The user should have the option of canceling the process by navigating back to the review screen.


    Component API only.
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    public final class AnalysisViewController : UIViewController
  • Undocumented

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    public class AnalysisResult : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    public final class CameraViewController : UIViewController
  • Errors thrown when running a custom validation.

    See more



    public class CustomDocumentValidationError : NSError
  • Undocumented

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    public class CustomDocumentValidationResult : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    public final class DocumentPickerCoordinator : NSObject
    extension DocumentPickerCoordinator: UIDocumentPickerDelegate
    extension DocumentPickerCoordinator: UIDropInteractionDelegate
  • The GiniConfiguration class allows customizations to the look and feel of the Gini Capture SDK. If there are limitations regarding which API can be used, this is clearly stated for the specific attribute.


    Text can also be set by using the appropriate keys in a Localizable.strings file in the projects bundle. The library will prefer whatever value is set in the following order: attribute in configuration, key in strings file in project bundle, key in strings file in GiniCapture bundle.


    Images can only be set by providing images with the same filename in an assets file or as individual files in the projects bundle. The library will prefer whatever value is set in the following order: asset file in project bundle, asset file in GiniCapture bundle.


    If there are conflicting pairs of image and text for an interface element (e.g. navigationBarCameraTitleCloseButton) the image will always be preferred, while making sure the accessibility label is set.
    See more



    public final class GiniConfiguration : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    final public class GiniImageDocument : NSObject, GiniCaptureDocument
    extension GiniImageDocument: NSItemProviderReading
  • Undocumented

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    final public class GiniPDFDocument : NSObject, GiniCaptureDocument
    extension GiniPDFDocument: NSItemProviderReading
  • A Gini Capture document made from a QR code.

    The Gini Capture SDK supports the following QR code formats:

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    final public class GiniQRCodeDocument : NSObject, GiniCaptureDocument
  • Convenience class to interact with the Gini Capture SDK.

    The Gini Capture SDK provides views for capturing, reviewing and analysing documents.

    By integrating this library in your application you can allow your users to easily take a picture of a document, review it and - by implementing the necessary callbacks - upload the document for analysis to the Gini Bank API.

    The Gini Capture SDK can be integrated in two ways, either by using the Screen API or the Component API. The Screen API provides a fully pre-configured navigation controller for easy integration, while the Component API provides single view controllers for advanced integration with more freedom for customization.


    When using the Component API we advise you to use a similar flow as suggested in the Screen API. Use the CameraViewController as an entry point with the OnboardingViewController presented on top of it. After capturing let the user review the document with the ReviewViewController and finally present the AnalysisViewController while the user waits for the analysis results.
    See more



    public final class GiniCapture : NSObject
  • The GiniCaptureDocumentBuilder provides a way to build a GiniCaptureDocument from a Data object and a DocumentSource. Additionally the DocumentImportMethod can bet set after builder iniatilization. This is an example of how a GiniCaptureDocument should be built when it has been imported with the Open with feature.

    let documentBuilder = GiniCaptureDocumentBuilder(data: data, documentSource: .appName(name: sourceApplication))
    documentBuilder.importMethod = .openWith
    let document =
    do {
    try document?.validate()
    } catch {
    See more



    public class GiniCaptureDocumentBuilder : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    public final class GiniCaptureDocumentValidator
  • The HelpMenuViewController provides explanations on how to take better pictures, how to use the Open with feature and which formats are supported by the Gini Capture SDK.

    See more



    final public class HelpMenuViewController : UITableViewController
  • The ImageAnalysisNoResultsViewController provides a custom no results screen which shows some capture suggestions when there is no results when analysing an image.

    See more



    public final class ImageAnalysisNoResultsViewController : UIViewController
    extension ImageAnalysisNoResultsViewController: UICollectionViewDataSource
    extension ImageAnalysisNoResultsViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
  • Undocumented

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    public final class MultipageReviewViewController : UIViewController
    extension MultipageReviewViewController: UICollectionViewDataSource
    extension MultipageReviewViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
  • Custom view to easily create onboarding pages which can then be used in OnboardingViewController. Simply pass an image and a name. Both will be beautifully aligned and displayed to the user.


    The text length should not exceed 50 characters, depending on the font used, and should preferably stretch out over three lines.
    See more



    public final class OnboardingPage : UIView
  • The OnboardingViewController provides a custom onboarding screen which presents some introductory screens to the user on how to get the camera in a perfect position etc. By default, three screens are pre-configured.

    To allow displaying the onboarding as a transparent modal view, set the modalPresentationStyle of the container class to .OverCurrentContext. Add a blank page at the end to make it possible to “swipe away” the onboarding. To achieve this, the container class needs to implement UIScrollViewDelegate and dismiss the view when the last (empty) page is reached. With the UIScrollViewDelegate callbacks it is also possible to add a custom page control and update the current page accordingly.

    Use the OnboardingPage class to quickly create custom onboarding pages in a nice consistent design. See below how easy it is to present an custom onboarding view controller.

    let pages = [
        OnboardingPage(image: myOnboardingImage1, text: "My Onboarding Page 1"),
        OnboardingPage(image: myOnboardingImage2, text: "My Onboarding Page 2"),
        OnboardingPage(image: myOnboardingImage3, text: "My Onboarding Page 3")
        OnboardingPage(image: myOnboardingImage4, text: "My Onboarding Page 4")
    let onboardingController = OnboardingViewController(pages: pages, scrollViewDelegate: self)
    presentViewController(onboardingController, animated: true, completion: nil)


    Component API only.
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    public final class OnboardingViewController : UIViewController
  • The ReviewViewController provides a custom review screen. The user has the option to check for blurriness and document orientation. If the result is not satisfying, the user can either return to the camera screen or rotate the photo by steps of 90 degrees. The photo should be uploaded to Gini’s backend immediately after having been taken as it is safe to assume that in most cases the photo is good enough to be processed further.


    Component API only.
    See more



    public final class ReviewViewController : UIViewController
    extension ReviewViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate