Updating to 2.4.0

Breaking Changes

Camera Screen

The UI of the Camera Screen was updated for a better user experience. The document corner guides on the camera screen are now drawn programmatically. The color of the corner lines can be set by overriding the color resource named gv_camera_preview_corners.

The corner guide png image resources called gv_camera_preview_corners.png can be deleted as they are not used anymore.

The CameraFragmentListener received an additional method for checking imported documents. Even if you don’t use the Document Import feature you need to implement CameraFragmentListener#onCheckImportedDocument(Document, DocumentCheckResultCallback). If you don’t use the Document Import feature an empty implementation is sufficient. In case you enabled document import you must call one of the callback methods.

Analysis Screen

The Analysis Screen UI was updated and in the Screen API the title was removed from the ActionBar. You should instead override the gv_analysis_activity_indicator_message string resource which is shown below the activity indicator.

Android Support Library

We updated to the Android Support Library 26, which requires the Google Maven Repository. Add the following to the repositories in your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url 'https://maven.google.com'


Deprecated methods:

  • Document#getJpeg() - use Document#getData() instead. This method might return a byte array containing other types, like PDFs.
  • Document#getRotationForDisplay() - use ImageDocument#getRotationForDisplay() instead, if Document#getType() is equal to Document.Type#IMAGE.
  • CameraFragmentInterface#showDocumentCornerGuides() - Use CameraFragmentInterface#showInterface() instead.
  • CameraFragmentInterface#hideDocumentCornerGuides() - Use CameraFragmentInterface#hideInterface() instead.
  • CameraFragmentInterface#showCameraTriggerButton() - Use CameraFragmentInterface#showInterface() instead.
  • CameraFragmentInterface#hideCameraTriggerButton() - Use CameraFragmentInterface#hideInterface() instead.

Deprecated CameraActivity Intent extra:

  • CameraActivity#EXTRA_IN_BACK_BUTTON_SHOULD_CLOSE_LIBRARY - The option to close the library with the back button from any screen will be removed in a future version.

New Features

Feature Configuration

Gini Vision Library features can be configured using the GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration class.

Using this class, the Document Import and the File Import features can be enabled and configured.

Document Import

The Document Import feature allows users to select images (jpeg, png and gif) and PDFs from their device or from their cloud storage. The selected document will be made available to the client and may be optionally verified before accepting it for upload and analysis.


You can use IntentHelper and UriHelper for retrieving information about the imported document.

Enable Document Import

This feature is disabled by default. When it’s enabled, users will see a new button next to the camera trigger in the Camera Screen.

After the feature is enabled, a hint is displayed once, the next time the user uses the Fototüberweisung, informing the user about the new button and its function.

To enable the Document Import using the Screen API add the following extra to the CameraActivity intent and specify the file types you wish to allow:

// Enable for PDFs and images
final GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration giniVisionFeatureConfiguration =

// Or enable only for PDFs
final GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration giniVisionFeatureConfiguration =

For the Component API use the factory method of the CameraFragmentCompat or CameraFragmentStandard:

// Enable for PDFs and images
final GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration giniVisionFeatureConfiguration =

// Or enable only for PDFs
final GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration giniVisionFeatureConfiguration =

Read Storage Permission

To access files on the user’s device the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is required and if the permission is not granted the Gini Vision Library will prompt the user to grant the permission. The rationale alert dialog and permission denied alert dialog texts can be customized.

Checking Imported Documents

The Gini Vision Library verifies the file’s mime-type, size (up to 10MB) and in case of PDFs the nr of pages (at most 10 pages). To run custom checks you can extend the CameraActivity and override the onCheckImportedDocument() method:

// As an example, here's how to allow only jpegs and pdfs smaller than 5MB
public void onCheckImportedDocument(@NonNull final Document document,
        @NonNull final DocumentCheckResultCallback callback) {
    // One can apply custom checks here to an imported document and notify the Gini Vision
    // Library about the result
    // IMPORTANT: do not call super as it will lead to unexpected behaviors

        // Use the Intent with which the document was imported to access its contents
        // (document.getData() may be null)
        final Intent intent = document.getIntent();
        if (intent == null) {
        final Uri uri = IntentHelper.getUri(intent);
        if (uri == null) {
        if (hasMoreThan5MB(uri)) {
        // IMPORTANT: always call one of the callback methods
        if (isJpegOrPdf(uri)) {
        } else {
    } else {
        // IMPORTANT: always call one of the callback methods

Rejecting a document displays the provided message to the user in an alert dialog. The user may select another document or cancel the document import.

Analyzing Imported Documents

After the document is accepted the Gini Vision Library shows the Review Screen for images while for PDFs it goes directly to the Analysis Screen. Analyzing imported documents requires no changes. The document’s content will be loaded into memory and can be uploaded like the pictures taken by the camera.

Additional methods were added to the Document to identify whether the document was imported, to get the Intent with which it was imported, to find out if it’s reviewable (PDFs are not reviewable for ex.) and to get it’s type (image or pdf).

Use the additional methods in the Review and Analysis screens if you wish to handle imported documents separately from pictures taken by the camera.

Analysis Screen for PDFs

The Analysis Screen will render the first page of the PDF on Android Lollipop and newer. On older versions no preview is shown. In addition, the PDF filename is displayed above the PDF preview area. The number of pages of the document is also displays on Android Lollipop and newer.

Customizing the UI

Camera Screen:

  • Document import button icon
  • Document import feature hint text, text style, background color and close icon color
  • Storage permission rationale AlertDialog text and button color
  • Storage permission denied AlertDialog text and button color

Analysis Screen:

  • Activity indicator message for images
  • PDF info panel background color and text style

For detailed customization options consult the Javadoc of the CameraActivity and AnalysisActivity.


The Gini Vision Library UI Assets repository can be used as an aid for customizing the UI.

File Import (“Open With”)

Enable File Import

This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, build a GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration instance with enabled file import and pass it to the CameraActivity or CameraFragment:

// Enable file import
final GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration giniVisionFeatureConfiguration =

// Pass it to the CameraActivity when using the Screen API

// Or to the CameraFragment when using the Component API

The File Import feature allows users to send images (jpeg, png and gif) to the Gini Vision Library from other apps through your app.

Registering PDF and image file types

Your app should register an Activity for receiving PDFs and images.

Add the following intent filter to the Activity in your AndroidManifest.xml you wish to receive incoming PDFs and images:

<activity android:name=".ui.MyActivity">
    <intent-filter android:label="@string/label_for_open_with">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <data android:mimeType="image/*" />
        <data android:mimeType="application/pdf" />


We recommend adding ACTION_VIEW to the intent filter to also allow users to send PDFs and images to your app from apps that don’t implement sharing with ACTION_SEND but enable viewing the PDF or file with other apps.

Handling Imported File

When your app is requested to handle a PDF or an image your Activity (declaring the intent filter shown above) is launched or resumed (onNewIntent(Intent)) with an Intent having ACTION_VIEW or ACTION_SEND.


To make sure your application can read the shared file declare and request the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission before accessing the Uri or before starting the Gini Vision Library.

Checking whether the Intent has the required action:

String action = intent.getAction();
if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(action) || Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(action)) {

Using the Screen API, create an Intent for launching the Gini Vision Library with GiniVisionFileImport.createIntentForImportedFile(). This method will throw an ImportedFileValidationException, if the file is too large, has the wrong mime-type or has more than 10 pages (only for PDFs).

void startGiniVisionLibraryForImportedFile(final Intent importedFileIntent) {
    try {
        final Intent giniVisionIntent = GiniVisionFileImport.createIntentForImportedFile(
        startActivityForResult(giniVisionIntent, REQUEST_SCAN);
    } catch (ImportedFileValidationException e) {
        String message = "File cannot be analyzed";
        if (e.getValidationError() != null) {
            switch (e.getValidationError()) {
                case TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                    message = "File type not supported.";
                case SIZE_TOO_LARGE:
                    message = "File too large, must be less than 10 MB.";
                case TOO_MANY_PDF_PAGES:
                    message = "Pdf must have less than 10 pages.";
        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialogInterface, final int i) {

The returned Intent will launch either the ReviewActivity or the AnalysisActivity implementation you provided. PDFs cannot be reviewed by the user, so the AnalysisActivity will be launched. You should not expect the ReviewActivity to be launched every time.

For the Component API, create a Document with GiniVisionFileImport.createDocumentForImportedFile(). This method will throw an ImportedFileValidationException, if the file is too large, has the wrong mime-type or has more than 10 pages (only for PDFs). The ReviewFragment may only be used with reviewable documents. Therefore, it is important to check whether the document is reviewable or not:

void startGiniVisionLibraryForImportedFile(final Intent importedFileIntent) {
        try {
            final Document document = GiniVisionFileImport.createDocumentForImportedFile(
            if (document.isReviewable()) {
                pushFragment(getReviewFragment(document), R.string.title_review);
            } else {
                pushFragment(getAnalysisFragment(document), R.string.title_review);
        } catch (ImportedFileValidationException e) {
            String message = getString(R.string.gv_document_import_invalid_document);
            if (e.getValidationError() != null) {
                switch (e.getValidationError()) {
                    case TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                        message = getString(R.string.gv_document_import_error_type_not_supported);
                    case SIZE_TOO_LARGE:
                        message = getString(R.string.gv_document_import_error_size_too_large);
                    case TOO_MANY_PDF_PAGES:
                        message = getString(R.string.gv_document_import_error_too_many_pdf_pages);
            new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                    .setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialogInterface, final int i) {

Analyzing Imported Documents

Same as Document Import - Analyzing Imported Documents.

Analysis Screen for PDFs

Same as Document Import - Analysis Screen for PDFs.

Customizing the UI

Same as Document Import - Customizing the UI.

Tips in the Analysis Screen

When analysis takes more than 5 seconds the Gini Vision Library cycles through tips, showing each one for 4 seconds. The tips are shown on the bottom of the Analysis Screen. The tips are intended to help our users achieve better results by offering them advice on how to take photos most suitable for analysis.

Help Screens

To aid users in discovering and learning about the features of the Gini Vision Library, and how to best use them, we added help screens. These can be viewed from the Camera Screen.

The top right button in the Screen API Camera Activity will now launch the HelpActivity instead of showing the Onboarding Screens.

When using the Component API, you need to launch the HelpActivity manually which requires a GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration instance.

From the Help Screen the following screens can be reached:

  • Photo Tips Screen: information about how to take good pictures
  • File Import Screen: a guide on how to import files from other apps via “open with”
  • Supported Formats Screen: information about the document formats supported by the Gini Vision Library

These screens are configured according to the feature configuration you provided with the GiniVisionFeatureConfiguration.

Customizing the UI

For detailed customization options consult the Javadoc of the HelpActivity, PhotoTipsActivity, FileImportActivity and SupportedFormatsActivity.


The Gini Vision Library UI Assets repository can be used as an aid for customizing the UI.

No Results Screen

The Gini Vision Library contains a new screen providing tips for users in order to achieve better results from images. The No Results Screen is displayed only for pictures taken by the camera and imported images.

The No Results Screen should be requested only when none of the required extractions were received.

When using the Screen API call the onNoExtractionsFound() either in your ReviewActivity or AnalysisActivity implementation depending on where analysis completes:

// In your ReviewActivity and AnalysisActivity subclasses:
void onExtractionsReceived(Map<String, SpecificExtraction> extractions) {
    mExtractions = extractions;
    if (mExtractions == null || hasNoPay5Extractions(mExtractions.keySet())) {
    } else {
        // Calling onDocumentAnalyzed() is important to notify the
        // ReviewActivity base class that the analysis has completed successfully

By invoking onNoExtractionsFound() the Gini Vision Library will display the NoResultsActivity, if the document was an image. From this Activity users can go back to the Camera Screen, provided the Camera Screen was shown, otherwise users can go back to your Activity that launched the Gini Vision Library.

For the Component API you should invoke GiniVisionCoordinator#shouldShowGiniVisionNoResultsScreen(Document) which returns true only if the Document was an image.

void showExtractions(net.gini.android.models.Document giniApiDocument,
        Map<String, SpecificExtraction> extractions, Document document) {
    // If we have no Pay 5 extractions we query the Gini Vision Library
    // whether we should show the the Gini Vision No Results Screen
    if (hasNoPay5Extractions(extractions.keySet())
            && GiniVisionCoordinator.shouldShowGiniVisionNoResultsScreen(document)) {
        // Create the No Results Screen's fragment (you may also use NoResultsFragmentStandard if you don't use the Support Library)
        final NoResultsFragmentCompat fragment = NoResultsFragmentCompat.createInstance(document);
        // Show the No Results Screen's fragment
    } else {
        // Show the extractions

In case the document was not an image, the Gini Vision Library will simply return with empty results to the Activity that launched it.

Customizing the UI

  • Header text style
  • Headline text style
  • Tip text style
  • Tip images
  • Button color and text color
  • Background color

For detailed customization options consult the Javadoc of the NoResultsActivity.


The Gini Vision Library UI Assets repository can be used as an aid for customizing the UI.

Tablet Support

The Gini Vision Library can be used on tablets, too. Some UI elements have been adapted to offer the best user experience for tablet users. Requirements and resources were also adapted.

You may skip to the Quick Checklist to get an overview of the steps required for supporting tablets.

Extraction Quality Considerations

We recommend implementing checks on tablet hardware to ensure that devices meet the Gini Vision Libraries minimum recommended hardware specifications.

Many tablets with at least 8MP cameras don’t have an LED flash (like the popular Samsung Galaxy Tab S2). Therefore we don’t require flash for tablets. For this reason the extraction quality on those tablets might be lower compared to smartphones.

Hardware Requirements

We disabled the camera flash requirement for tablets. Camera flash is not a standard feature for tablets and even some popular models like the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 don’t have an LED flash.

You can view the Gini Vision Library’s hardware requirements here.

Supporting All Screen Orientations

On tablets, landscape orientation is also supported (smartphones are portrait only).

Previously we recommended limiting the orientation to portrait for Activities extending the Screen API’s abstract Activities and Activities hosting the Component API’s Fragment. If you are updating from a previous version you should remove the portrait limitation. The Gini Vision Library limited the orientation to portrait by adding android:screenOrientation="portrait" to the Activities in earlier versions. This has been removed and you should also remove it from your Activities, too.

Please note that on orientation change Activites will be restarted and the listener methods will be invoked again on restart. You should make sure your Activity implementations handle additional listener method invocations gracefully on orientation change.

The Gini Vision Library Screen API Activities and Component API Fragments keep their internal state between orientation changes. We recommend you to check that your Activity implementations also maintain their state.

UI Considerations

On tablets in landscape the Camera Screen’s UI displays the camera trigger button on the right side of the screen. Users can reach the camera trigger more easily this way. The camera preview along with the document corner guides are shown in landscape to match the device’s orientation.

Other UI elements on all the screens maintain their relative position and the screen layouts are scaled automatically to fit the current orientation.

Customizing Tablet Screens

Tablet specific images are required only for the Camera Screen for tablets. The following images should be customized and added to your drawable resource folder with the sw600dp qualifier for mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and xxxhdpi (for ex. drawable-sw600dp-mdpi):

  • gv_onboarding_lighting.png - First onboarding page image
  • gv_onboarding_flat.png - Second onboarding page image
  • gv_onboarding_parallel.png - Third onboarding page image
  • gv_onboarding_align.png - Fourth onboarding page image

These images are higher resolution versions of the same images that are used for phones.


The Gini Vision Library UI Assets repository can be used as an aid for customizing the UI.

Tablet Support Quick Checklist

  1. Remove portrait orientation limitation from your Activities like android:screenOrientation="portrait".

  2. Remove manual LED flash requirement check, if used. For tablets we don’t require an LED flash.

  3. Handle multiple listener method invocations on Activity restarts due to orientation change.

  4. Preserve state between orientation change related Activity restarts.

  5. Customize the tablet specific images and add them to drawable-sw600dp-* resource folders for mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and xxxhdpi:

    • gv_onboarding_lighting.png - First onboarding page image
    • gv_onboarding_flat.png - Second onboarding page image
    • gv_onboarding_parallel.png - Third onboarding page image
    • gv_onboarding_align.png - Fourth onboarding page image