Event Tracking

The Gini Health SDK has the ability to track user events. In order to receive the events, implement the GiniHealthTrackingDelegate protocol and supply the delegate when initializing PaymentReviewViewController. For example:

let viewController = PaymentReviewViewController.instantiate(with: self.health,
                                                         document: document,
                                                      extractions: extractions,
                                                 trackingDelegate: self)


Event types are partitioned into different domains according to the screens that they appear at. Each domain has a number of event types.

Domain Event type Additional info keys Comment
Payment Review Screen onNextButtonClicked "paymentProvider" User tapped “next” button from the payment review screen
Payment Review Screen onCloseButtonClicked User tapped “close” button and closed the payment review screen
Payment Review Screen onCloseKeyboardButtonClicked User tapped “close” button and keyboard will be hidden from the payment review screen
Payment Review Screen onBankSelectionButtonClicked "paymentProvider" User tapped on the bank selection button from the payment review screen