Customization guide

The Gini Health SDK components can be customized either through the GiniHealthConfiguration, the Localizable.string file or through the assets. Here you can find a complete guide with the reference to every customizable item.

Supporting dark mode

Some background and text colors use the GiniColor type with which you can set colors for dark and light modes. The text colors should also be set in contrast to the background colors.

Generic components

1. Gini Capture font

Payment Review screen

1. Background color
2. Input fields container
3. Input field

  • Error selection style border color and error label text color → GiniHealthConfiguration.paymentInputFieldErrorStyleColor using UIColor
  • Focus selection style border color → GiniHealthConfiguration.paymentInputFieldSelectionStyleColor using UIColor
  • Focus selection style background color → GiniHealthConfiguration.paymentInputFieldSelectionBackgroundColor using UIColor
  • Placeholder text color → GiniHealthConfiguration.paymentInputFieldPlaceholderTextColor using GiniColor with dark mode and light mode colors
  • Placeholder font → GiniHealthConfiguration.paymentInputFieldPlaceholderFont
  • Recipient placeholder text → ginihealth.reviewscreen.recipient.placeholder localized string
  • IBAN placeholder text → ginihealth.reviewscreen.iban.placeholder localized string
  • Amount placeholder text → ginihealth.reviewscreen.amount.placeholder localized string
  • Purpose placeholder text → ginihealth.reviewscreen.usage.placeholder localized string

  • Recipient error label text → ginihealth.errors.failed.recipient.non.empty.check localized string

  • IBAN error label text → ginihealth.errors.failed.iban.non.empty.check localized string

  • IBAN validation error label text → ginihealth.errors.failed.iban.validation.check localized string

  • Amount error label text → ginihealth.errors.failed.amount.non.empty.check localized string

  • Purpose error label text → ginihealth.errors.failed.purpose.non.empty.check localized string

  • Default validation error label text → ginihealth.errors.failed.default.textfield.validation.check localized string

  • Amount placeholder text → ginihealth.reviewscreen.amount.placeholder localized string

  • Purpose placeholder text → ginihealth.reviewscreen.usage.placeholder localized string

4. Pay button
5. Loading indicator