
The following classes are available globally.

  • A custom navigation bar button that displays a stack of subviews.

    Use the GiniBarButton class to create a custom toolbar button with a stack of subviews. This allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the button by adding and configuring subviews within the stack view. The GiniBarButton class provides a convenient interface for creating a UIBarButtonItem with a custom view, and includes several helper methods for managing the subviews of the stack view.

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    public final class GiniBarButton
    • internal only

    MultilineTitleButton is a subclass of UIButtonand it allows for multiple lines of text to be displayed in the button’s title, and the button’s size is adjusted to fit the text. The content hugging priority is set s o that the button’s width and height can be adjusted by the Auto Layout system. *

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    public class MultilineTitleButton : UIButton
  • Convenience class to interact with the Gini Capture SDK.

    The Gini Capture SDK provides views for capturing, reviewing and analysing documents.

    By integrating this library in your application you can allow your users to easily take a picture of a document, review it and - by implementing the necessary callbacks - upload the document for analysis to the Gini Bank API.

    The Gini Capture SDK can be integrated using the Screen API. The Screen API provides a fully pre-configured navigation controller for easy integration.

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    public final class GiniCapture : NSObject
  • The GiniColor class allows to customize color for the light and the dark modes.

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    public class GiniColor : NSObject
  • The GiniConfiguration class allows customizations to the look and feel of the Gini Capture SDK. If there are limitations regarding which API can be used, this is clearly stated for the specific attribute.


    Text can also be set by using the appropriate keys in a Localizable.strings file in the projects bundle. The library will prefer whatever value is set in the following order: attribute in configuration, key in strings file in project bundle, key in strings file in GiniCapture bundle.


    Images can only be set by providing images with the same filename in an assets file or as individual files in the projects bundle. The library will prefer whatever value is set in the following order: asset file in project bundle, asset file in GiniCapture bundle.


    If there are conflicting pairs of image and text for an interface element (e.g. navigationBarCameraTitleCloseButton) the image will always be preferred, while making sure the accessibility label is set.
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    public final class GiniConfiguration : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    public final class GiniCaptureDocumentValidator
  • Undocumented

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    public class Constraints
  • Undocumented

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    public final class QRCodesExtractor
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public final class DefaultLogger : GiniLogger
  • Undocumented

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    public class GiniCaptureErrorLogger : GiniCaptureErrorLoggerDelegate
  • The GiniCaptureDocumentBuilder provides a way to build a GiniCaptureDocument from a Data object and a DocumentSource. Additionally the DocumentImportMethod can bet set after builder iniatilization. This is an example of how a GiniCaptureDocument should be built when it has been imported with the Open with feature.

    let documentBuilder = GiniCaptureDocumentBuilder(data: data, documentSource: .appName(name: sourceApplication))
    documentBuilder.importMethod = .openWith
    let document =
    do {
    try document?.validate()
    } catch {
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    public class GiniCaptureDocumentBuilder : NSObject