
public enum ErrorCode

Definition of Gini Capture SDK error codes.


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Couldn't get access to the camera. Most likely cause is either not declaring the camera permission in the manifest and on Android 6+ not requesting the camera permission from the user. Check the message for details.

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Camera couldn't be opened due to an unexpected error. Check the message for details.

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Camera preview could not be started. Likely causes are that the camera was closed before preview could start or the View used to show the preview images couldn't initialize. Check the message for details.

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Camera couldn't take a picture. Likely causes are that the camera was closed between requesting a picture and taking the picture or the camera didn't return an image. Check the message for details.

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An unexpected camera error occurred. Check the message for details.

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An error occurred in the Review Screen. Check the message for details.

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An error occurred while a document was imported from the device. Check the messages for details.

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An error occurred in the Analysis Screen. Check the message for details.

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The [GiniCapture] instance is missing. Most likely cause is an application process restart.


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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.