Package-level declarations


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public final class Amount

This class serves for sending the extracted amount and currency in cleanup process.

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public enum AmountCurrency extends Enum<AmountCurrency>

Enum class represents currently supported currencies. Currency codes are expressed in ISO 4217 standard.

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public interface AsyncCallback<T, E extends Exception>
Callback interface for asynchronous tasks.
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public interface Document implements Parcelable
This class is the container for transferring documents between the client application and the Gini Capture SDK and between the Fragments of the Gini Capture SDK.
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Use this enum to select the file types to be allowed for document import in the Camera Screen.
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public enum EntryPoint extends Enum<EntryPoint>

Use this enum to set which entry point is used for starting the SDK.

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public class GiniCapture
Single entry point for the Gini Capture SDK for configuration and interaction.
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public abstract class GiniCaptureBasePresenter<V extends GiniCaptureBaseView>
Internal use only.
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public interface GiniCaptureBaseView<P extends GiniCaptureBasePresenter>
Internal use only.
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TODO: delete when Component API can be fully removed The GiniCaptureCoordinator facilitates the default behavior for the Gini Capture Library.
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public final class GiniCaptureDebug
This class allows you to enable and disable debugging for the Gini Capture SDK.
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public class GiniCaptureError implements Parcelable
Provides details about the error which caused the Gini Capture SDK to fail.
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public final class GiniCaptureFileImport
This class contains methods for preparing launching the Gini Capture SDK with a file received from another app.
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Interface used by NoResultsFragmentCompat and (@link ErrorFragmentCompat} to dispatch events to the hosting Activity.
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Thrown when a file failed validation.
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public class ImportImageFileUrisAsyncTask extends AbstractImportImageUrisAsyncTask
Created by Alpar Szotyori on 22.05.2018.
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Internal use only.
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Internal use only.