
Interface specifying network related tasks required by the Gini Capture SDK in order to communicate with the Gini API.

The easiest way to get started is to use the Gini Capture Network Library package which provides a default implementation.

You can also create your own implementation and communicate directly with the Gini API or pass requests through your backend. For direct communication with the Gini API we recommend using the Gini Bank API lib.

In order for the Gini Capture SDK to use your implementation pass an instance of it to setGiniCaptureNetworkService when creating a GiniCapture instance.


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public abstract CancellationToken analyze(@NonNull() LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> giniApiDocumentIdRotationMap, @NonNull() GiniCaptureNetworkCallback<AnalysisResult, Error> callback)
Called when a document needs to be analyzed by the Gini API.
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public abstract void cleanup()
Called when the Gini Capture SDK is not needed anymore and the cleanup method has been called.
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public abstract CancellationToken delete(@NonNull() String giniApiDocumentId, @NonNull() GiniCaptureNetworkCallback<Result, Error> callback)
Called when a document needs to be deleted from the Gini API.
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public abstract void deleteGiniUserCredentials()
Delete the anonymous gini user credentials.
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public void handleErrorLog(@NonNull() ErrorLog errorLog)
Called when an error occurred inside the Gini Capture SDK.
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public abstract void sendFeedback(@NonNull() Map<String, GiniCaptureSpecificExtraction> extractions, @NonNull() Map<String, GiniCaptureCompoundExtraction> compoundExtractions, @NonNull() GiniCaptureNetworkCallback<Void, Error> callback)
Call this method with the extractions the user has seen and accepted.
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public abstract CancellationToken upload(@NonNull() Document document, @NonNull() GiniCaptureNetworkCallback<Result, Error> callback)
Called when a document needs to be uploaded to the Gini API.