
Contains a Gini API specific extraction.

A specific extraction assings a semantic property to an extraction and it may contain a list of extraction candidates.

The extraction candidates are other suggestions for this specific extraction (e.g. all amounts on the document). Candidates are of the same entity as the found extraction.


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public void GiniCaptureSpecificExtraction(@NonNull() String name, @NonNull() String value, @NonNull() String entity, @Nullable() GiniCaptureBox box, @NonNull() List<GiniCaptureExtraction> candidates)
Value object for a specific extraction from the Gini API.


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public abstract int describeContents()
public int describeContents()
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public synchronized GiniCaptureBox getBox()
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public synchronized String getEntity()
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public String getName()
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public synchronized String getValue()
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public synchronized boolean isDirty()
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public synchronized void setBox(@Nullable() GiniCaptureBox newBox)
Set a new bounding box.
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public synchronized void setIsDirty(boolean isDirty)
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public synchronized void setValue(@NonNull() String newValue)
Set a new value for this extraction.
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public String toString()
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public abstract void writeToParcel(Parcel p, int p1)
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)


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public final static int CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR
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public final static int PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE