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Contains the Activity and Fragments used for the Onboarding Screen.

See: Description

Package Description

Contains the Activity and Fragments used for the Onboarding Screen.

Screen API

The OnboardingActivity is launched directly by the CameraActivity. It can be configured by overriding Gini Vision Library app resources and/or by supplying the CameraActivity with an ArrayList of OnboardingPage objects in the CameraActivity.EXTRA_IN_ONBOARDING_PAGES extra.

Component API

To use the Component API you have to include the OnboardingFragmentStandard or the OnboardingFragmentCompat in an Activity in your app (a dedicated Activity is recommended). To receive events from the Fragments your Activity must implement the OnboardingFragmentListener interface.

The Onboarding Screen was designed as a semi-transparent overlay for the camera preview. Your Activity should be configured to be transparent and the Camera Fragment should not stop the camera when the onboarding is shown.

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