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Contains the Activity and Fragments used for the No Results Screen.

See: Description

Package Description

Contains the Activity and Fragments used for the No Results Screen. The No Results Screen includes hints on how to take a picture in an optimal condition. This screen should be shown when the received results from the Gini API don't include the required extractions.

Screen API

The NoResultsActivity is launched directly by the AnalysisActivity or the ReviewActivity, depending on where analysis results were received.

Call AnalysisFragmentInterface.onNoExtractionsFound() or ReviewFragmentInterface.onNoExtractionsFound() after you received the results from the Gini API and it didn't include the required extractions.

Component API

To use the Component API you have to include the NoResultsFragmentStandard or the NoResultsFragmentCompat in an Activity in your app (a dedicated Activity is recommended). To receive events from the Fragments your Activity must implement the NoResultsFragmentListener interface.

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