
Contains the interface, enums and classes used for tracking various events which occur during the usage of the Gini Vision Library.

Implement the interface and pass it to the when creating a new GiniVision instance.

Check each screens event enum to see which events are triggered.


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Events triggered on the analysis screen.

If you use the Screen API all events will be triggered automatically.

If you use the Component API some events will not be triggered (for ex. events which rely on onBackPressed ). You need to check whether all the events you are interested in are triggered.

public enum AnalysisScreenEvent
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Events triggered on the camera screen.

If you use the Screen API all events will be triggered automatically.

If you use the Component API some events will not be triggered (for ex. events which rely on onBackPressed ). You need to check whether all the events you are interested in are triggered.

public enum CameraScreenEvent
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A tracking event.

public class Event<T extends Enum<T>>
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Implement this interface and pass it to the setEventTracker to get informed about various events occuring during the usage of the Gini Vision Library.

Check each event enum to find out which events are triggered on the different screens.

If you use the Screen API all events will be triggered automatically.

If you use the Component API some events will not be triggered (for ex. events which rely on onBackPressed ). You need to check whether all the events you are interested in are triggered.

public interface EventTracker
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Internal use only.

public final class EventTrackingHelper
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Events triggered on the onboarding screen.

All events trigger on both Screen and Component APIs.

public enum OnboardingScreenEvent
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Events triggered on the review screen.

If you use the Screen API all events will be triggered automatically.

If you use the Component API some events will not be triggered (for ex. events which rely on onBackPressed ). You need to check whether all the events you are interested in are triggered.

public enum ReviewScreenEvent