
Called if you didn't call onDocumentAnalyzed or (or the image was changed) and the user tapped on the Next button.

You should start your Activity extending AnalysisActivity and set the document as the EXTRA_IN_DOCUMENT extra.



contains the reviewed image (can be the original one or a modified image)

abstract void onProceedToAnalysisScreen(Document document)

Called when the user tapped on the Next button and one of the following conditions apply:

  • Analysis is in progress
  • Analysis completed with an error
  • The image was rotated

    You should start your Activity extending AnalysisActivity and set the document as the EXTRA_IN_DOCUMENT extra.



contains the reviewed image (can be the original one or a modified image)


an optional error message to be passed to the Analysis Screen

abstract void onProceedToAnalysisScreen(Document document, String errorMessage)