
Interface used by the MultiPageReviewFragment to dispatch events to the hosting Activity.

public interface MultiPageReviewFragmentListener


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Called when the user deleted all the pages of a document received from another app. This means the MultiPageReviewFragment was launched after a document had been created using .

At this point you should finish GVL by closing the MultiPageReviewFragment and cleaning up using cleanup .

abstract void onImportedDocumentReviewCancelled()
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Called when all pages were uploaded successfully and the user tapped on the "next" button.

If you use the Screen API you should start the AnalysisActivity and set the document as the EXTRA_IN_DOCUMENT extra.

If you use the Component API you should start the AnalysisFragmentCompat (or the AnalysisFragmentStandard ) and pass the document when creating it with (or ).

abstract void onProceedToAnalysisScreen(GiniVisionMultiPageDocument document)
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Called when the user wants to add a picture of another page. Also called when the user has deleted every page and the document consisted of images taken with the Camera Screen or imported using the Camera Screen.

If you host the MultiPageReviewFragment in its own Activity, then you should simply finish the Activity.

If you use one Activity to host all the GVL fragments, then you should display the CameraFragmentCompat (or the CameraFragmentStandard ) again.

abstract void onReturnToCameraScreen()


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