
Contains value classes for extractions from the Gini API.


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Contains a bounding box for a Gini API extraction. The bounding box describes the page and the position where the extraction originates.

public class GiniVisionBox implements Parcelable
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Contains a Gini API extraction.

An extraction contains an entity describing the general semantic type of the extraction (e.g. a date), which also determines the format of the value containing the information as text. Optionally there may be a box describing the position of the extraction value on the document. In most instances, extractions without a bounding box are meta information (e.g. doctype).

public class GiniVisionExtraction implements Parcelable
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Contains a Gini API specific extraction.

A specific extraction assings a semantic property to an extraction and it may contain a list of extraction candidates.

The extraction candidates are other suggestions for this specific extraction (e.g. all amounts on the document). Candidates are of the same entity as the found extraction.

public class GiniVisionSpecificExtraction extends GiniVisionExtraction