Event Tracking

The Gini Merchant SDK exposes protocols for tracking events.

Global events

Implement the GiniMerchantDelegate protocol and supply the delegate to the GiniMerchant instance:

let merchantSDK = GiniMerchant(with: giniApiLib)
merchantSDK.delegate = self // where self conforms to the GiniMerchantDelegate protocol


Event Additional info Comment
didCreatePaymentRequest paymentRequestID A payment request had been created
shouldHandleErrorInternally error An error occurred. Return false to prevent the SDK from showing an error message.

Screen events

Implement the GiniMerchantTrackingDelegate protocol and supply the delegate when initializing PaymentReviewViewController. For example:

let viewController = paymentComponentsController.loadPaymentReviewScreenFor(documentID: documentId, paymentInfo: paymentInfo, trackingDelegate: self)


Event types are partitioned into different domains according to the screens that they appear at. Each domain has a number of event types.

Domain Event type Additional info keys Comment
Payment Review Screen onToTheBankButtonClicked "paymentProvider" User tapped “To the banking app” button from the payment review screen