
public final class GiniHealthConfiguration : NSObject

The GiniHealthConfiguration class allows customizations to the look of the Gini Health SDK. If there are limitations regarding which API can be used, this is clearly stated for the specific attribute.


Text can also be set by using the appropriate keys in a Localizable.strings file in the projects bundle. The library will prefer whatever value is set in the following order: attribute in configuration, key in strings file in project bundle, key in strings file in GiniHealth bundle.


Images can only be set by providing images with the same filename in an assets file or as individual files in the projects bundle. The library will prefer whatever value is set in the following order: asset file in project bundle, asset file in GiniHealth bundle. See the avalible images for overriding in GiniImages.xcassets.
  • Returns a GiniHealthConfiguration instance which allows to set individual configurations to change the look and feel of the Gini Health SDK.



    public override init()

    Return Value

    Instance of GiniHealthConfiguration.

  • Set to true to show a close button on the payment review screen.



    public var showPaymentReviewCloseButton: Bool
  • Sets the status bar style on the payment review screen. Only if View controller-based status bar appearance = YES in info.plist.



    public var paymentReviewStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle
  • Height of the buttons from the Payment Component View



    public var paymentComponentButtonsHeight: CGFloat { get set }
  • A configuration that defines the appearance of the primary button, including its background color, border color, title color, shadow color, corner radius, border width, shadow radius, and whether to apply a blur effect. It is used for buttons on different UI elements: Payment Component View, Payment Review Screen.



    public lazy var primaryButtonConfiguration: ButtonConfiguration { get set }
  • A configuration that defines the appearance of the secondary button, including its background color, border color, title color, shadow color, corner radius, border width, shadow radius, and whether to apply a blur effect. It is used for buttons on different UI elements: Payment Component View.



    public lazy var secondaryButtonConfiguration: ButtonConfiguration { get set }
  • A default style configuration that defines the appearance of the text field, including its background color, border color, text color, corner radius, border width and the placeholder foreground color. It is used for input text fields on Payment Review Screen.



    public lazy var defaultStyleInputFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration { get set }
  • A error style configuration that defines the appearance of the text field, including its background color, border color, text color, corner radius, border width and the placeholder foreground color. It is used for input text fields on Payment Review Screen.



    public lazy var errorStyleInputFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration { get set }
  • A selection style configuration that defines the appearance of the text field, including its background color, border color, text color, corner radius, border width and the placeholder foreground color. It is used for input text fields on Payment Review Screen.



    public lazy var selectionStyleInputFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration { get set }
  • Allows setting a custom font for specific text styles. The change will affect all screens where a specific text style was used.



    public func updateFont(_ font: UIFont, for textStyle: UIFont.TextStyle)



    Font that is going to be assosiated with specific text style. You can use scaled font or scale your font with our util method UIFont.scaledFont(_ font: UIFont, textStyle: UIFont.TextStyle)


    Constants that describe the preferred styles for fonts. Please, find additional information here