Migrate from the Gini Pay API Library

We’ve migrated from CocoaPods to Swift Package Manager. Please, find more details in Installation.

Update classes

Replace GiniApiLib with GiniHealthAPI.

To initialize the library, you will need to use the snippet below:

    let giniHealthAPI = GiniHealthAPI
        .Builder(client: Client(id: "your-id",
                                secret: "your-secret",
                                domain: "your-domain"))

Public Key Pinning

Your pinning configuration should have health-api.gini.net domain like in the example below:

    let yourPublicPinningConfig = [
            kTSKPinnedDomains: [
            "health-api.gini.net": [
                kTSKPublicKeyHashes: [
                // old *.gini.net public key
                // new *.gini.net public key, active from around June 2020
            "user.gini.net": [
                kTSKPublicKeyHashes: [
                // old *.gini.net public key
                // new *.gini.net public key, active from around June 2020
        ]] as [String: Any]