

Example banking app

An example banking app is available in the Gini Bank SDK repository called example-app.

You can use the same Gini Merchant API client credentials in the example banking app as in your app, if not otherwise specified.

Development Gini Merchant API client credentials

In order to test using the Gini Bank SDK’s example banking app, you will need to use development client credentials in your app for the Gini Merchant SDK. This will make sure the Gini Merchant SDK receives test payment providers that work with the Gini Bank SDK’s example banking app.

End to end testing

Example banking app

After you’ve set the client credentials in the Gini Bank SDK example app you can install it on your device by using the devPaymentProvider1Debug build flavor. This will allow the Gini Merchant SDK to detect it as the banking app for the Gini-Test-Payment-Provider.


You can also install the Gini Bank SDK example app’s devPaymentProvider2Debug and devPaymentProvider3Debug build variants to test with two additional example banking apps named GiniBank and Bank.

Payment fragment

By following the flow guide you should be showing the PaymentFragment when wanting to pay an order. The following screenshot shows a sample invoice for which the PaymentFragment is shown.

Screenshot of an order with PayymentFragment showing the Gini-Test-Payment-Provider.

Bank picker

You should see the Gini-Test-Payment-Provider preselected in PaymentFragment everytime when starting the flow. By clicking the picker you should see the BankSelectionBottomSheet with the list of available banking apps (including Gini-Test-Payment-Provider and other testing and production apps).

Screenshot of BankPickerBottomSheet where Gini-Test-Payment-Provider is selected.

More information and FAQ

By clicking the More information button in BankSelectionBottomSheet you should see the MoreInformationFragment with information about the payment feature and an FAQ section.

Screenshot of the More Information and FAQ screen.

Payment review

If the PaymentFragment was created with an instance of PaymentFlowConfiguration with the showReviewFragment option set to true, by clicking the “Pay the invoice” button on the PaymentFragment you should see the ReviewFragment. It shows the payment information. It also allows editing the amount. The “To the banking app” button should have the icon and colors of the banking app, which was selected in the BankSelectionBottomSheet.

Screenshot of the Payment Review screen showing the Gini-Test-Payment-Provider.

Execute payment

When clicking the “To the banking app” button on the ReviewFragment you should be redirected to the example banking app where the payment information will be fetched from Gini (including any changes you made on the ReviewFragment). Press the “Pay” button to execute a test payment which will mark the payment as paid in the Gini Merchant API.

Screenshot of the example banking app showing the same payment information as the Payment Review screen previously.

Return to your app

After the test payment has been executed, the example banking app should show a “Return to Business” button which should take you back to your app.

With these steps completed you have verified that your app, the Gini Merchant API, the Gini Merchant SDK and the Gini Bank SDK work together correctly.

Screenshot of the example banking app showing the "Return to Business" button with the same extractions as previously.

Testing in production

The steps are almost the same with the only difference, that instead of the development client credentials you will need to use production credentials in your app. This will make sure the Gini Merchant SDK receives only real payment providers which open real banking apps.

You will also need to install a banking app which uses the Gini Bank SDK. You should be able to install these from the list shown by clicking the bank picker button in the PaymentFragment.