UI Customization Guide

Overview of UI customization options


We leverage the power of Material Design to configure a theme for the SDK with a global color palette and typography that is applied on all the screens. By using global styles for the various widgets, we enable you to customize them in a single place. They are then consistently applied on all screens.


The theme style is based on Material Design v3 and is named GiniMerchantTheme. To override the theme in your application, use Root.GiniMerchantTheme as the parent:

<style name="GiniMerchantTheme" parent="Root.GiniMerchantTheme">


The style of buttons and other widgets is based on Material Design v3. To override them in your application, use the root style as the parent, for example:

<style name="GiniMerchantTheme.Widget.Button.OutlinedButton" parent="Root.GiniMerchantTheme.Widget.Button.OutlinedButton">


If you wish to change the button height please override android:minHeight. We are using android:minHeight to support text resizing for accessibility.

You may also force the height to a certain dimension by overriding both android:minHeight and android:height, although we don’t recommend this as it will prevent the button from increasing height to fit larger font sizes.


Material Design buttons include insets which will decrease the visible height of the buttons. You can override android:insetTop and android:insetBottom to remove or adjust the vertical insets.


We provide a global color palette which you are free to override. The custom colors are then applied to all screens. Customization of colors is done via overriding of color resources. For example to override the color gms_accent_01 add the following snippet to one of your resources XML file (e.g, colors.xml):

<color name="gms_accent_01">#424242</color>


If you overridde the GiniMerchantTheme, the theme colors you set there override the color palette customization.

Find the names of the color resources in the color palette (you can also view it in Figma here):


Customizing of images is done via overriding of drawable resources. Find the drawable resource names in the screen-by-screen UI customisation sections below. We mostly use vector drawables. Due to the limitations of vector drawables, some images had to be added as PNGs.


If you use vector drawables, add them to the drawable-anydpi and drawable-night-anydpi folders so that they also override any density specific PNGs.

If you want to override specific SDK images:

  1. Add your own images to your app’s res/drawable-* folders using the image names from the UI customization guide. It is important to name the images you wish to override exactly as shown in the UI customization guide, otherwise overriding won’t work.
  2. If you use vector drawables, add them to the drawable-anydpi (drawable-night-anydpi for dark mode) folders so that they also override any density specific images.


We provide global typography based on text appearance styles from Material Design v2. To override them in your application, use the root style as the parent, for example:

<style name="GiniMerchantTheme.Typography.Body1" parent="Root.GiniMerchantTheme.Typography.Body1">


If you override the GiniMerchantTheme, the text appearances you set there override the typography customization. The same applies to the override of widget styles where you set a custom text appearance.

We use android:lineSpacingMultiplier in combination with android:textSize to support resizing text for accessibility and avoid overlapping text.

Preview our typography and find the names of the style resources (you can also view it in Figma here):


Text customization is done via overriding of string resources.

Dark mode

To customize resources for dark mode, add them to resource folders containing the -night resource qualifier. If you decide to customize the color palette, please ensure that the text colors are also set in contrast to the background colors.

UI customization options

Payment Component

You can also view the UI customisation guide in Figma here.


To copy text from Figma you need to have a Figma account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free.

Bank Selection Bottom Sheet

You can also view the UI customisation guide in Figma here.


To copy text from Figma you need to have a Figma account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free.

Payment Feature Info Screen

You can also view the UI customisation guide in Figma here.


You need to override the gms_privacy_policy_link_url string resource to provide a link to your company’s privacy policy page. This link will be shown to users in the answer to the “Who or what is Gini?” question.


To copy text from Figma you need to have a Figma account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free.

Payment Review Screen

You can also view the UI customisation guide in Figma here.


To copy text from Figma you need to have a Figma account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free.