
public abstract class DocumentManager<DR extends DocumentRepository<E>, E extends ExtractionsContainer>

The DocumentManager is a high level API on top of the Gini API, via which the DocumentRepository is used. It provides high level methods to handle document related tasks easily.


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public DocumentManager<DR, E> DocumentManager<DR extends DocumentRepository<E>>(DR documentRepository)


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Creates a new Gini composite document. The input Map must contain the partial documents as keys. These will be part of the multi-page document. The value for each partial document key is the amount in degrees the document has been rotated by the user.

Creates a new Gini composite document.

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public final Resource<Document> createPartialDocument(ByteArray document, String contentType, String filename, DocumentManager.DocumentType documentType, DocumentMetadata documentMetadata)

Uploads raw data and creates a new Gini partial document.

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public final Resource<Unit> deleteDocument(String documentId)

Deletes a Gini document.

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Deletes a Gini partial document and all its parent composite documents.

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public final Resource<E> getAllExtractions(Document document)

Get all extractions (specific and compound) for the given document.

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Poll the document and get all extractions (specific and compound) once processing has completed.

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public final Resource<Document> getDocument(Uri uri)
public final Resource<Document> getDocument(String id)

Get the document with the given unique identifier.

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public final Resource<JSONObject> getLayout(Document document)

Gets the layout of a document. The layout of the document describes the textual content of a document with positional information, based on the processed document.

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public final Resource<Payment> getPayment(String id)

Get information about the payment of the PaymentRequest

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public final Resource<Document> pollDocument(Document document)

Continually checks the document status (via the Gini API) until the document is fully processed. To avoid flooding the network, there is a pause of at least DocumentRepository.POLLING_INTERVAL and a timeout of DocumentRepository.POLLING_TIMEOUT.

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public final Resource<Unit> sendFeedbackForExtractions(Document document, Map<String, SpecificExtraction> specificExtractions)
public final Resource<Unit> sendFeedbackForExtractions(Document document, Map<String, SpecificExtraction> specificExtractions, Map<String, CompoundExtraction> compoundExtractions)

Sends approved and conceivably corrected extractions for the given document. This is called "submitting feedback on extractions" in the Gini API documentation.


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