
public class GiniCaptureDefaultNetworkApi implements GiniCaptureNetworkApi

Default implementation of network calls which can be performed manually from outside the Gini Capture SDK (e.g. for sending feedback).

To create an instance use the GiniCaptureDefaultNetworkApi.Builder returned by the builder method.

In order to easily access this implementation pass an instance of it to setGiniCaptureNetworkApi when creating a instance. You can then get the instance in your app with getGiniCaptureNetworkApi.


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public class Builder
Builder for configuring a new instance of the GiniCaptureDefaultNetworkApi.


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static GiniCaptureDefaultNetworkApi.Builder builder()
Creates a new GiniCaptureDefaultNetworkApi.Builder to configure and create a new instance.
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void deleteGiniUserCredentials()
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void sendFeedback(@NonNull() Map<String, GiniCaptureSpecificExtraction> extractions, @NonNull() GiniCaptureNetworkCallback<Void, Error> callback)
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void setUpdatedCompoundExtractions(@NonNull() Map<String, GiniCaptureCompoundExtraction> compoundExtractions)