
Contains the Activity and Fragment used for the Multi-Page Review Screen.

Screen API

The displays images of a document and allows the user to reorder, rotate, zoom and delete them.

Component API

To use the Component API you have to include the in an Activity in your app (a dedicated Activity is recommended). To receive events from the Fragments your Activity must implement the interface.


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public class MultiPageReviewActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MultiPageReviewFragmentListener
Screen API When you use the Screen API and have enabled the multi-page feature, the MultiPageReviewActivity displays the photographed or imported images and allows the user to review them by checking the order, sharpness, quality and orientation of the images.
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public class MultiPageReviewFragment extends Fragment implements MultiPageReviewFragmentInterface, PreviewFragmentListener, FragmentImplCallback
Component API When you use the Compontent API and have enabled the multi-page feature, the MultiPageReviewFragment displays the photographed or imported images and allows the user to review them by checking the order, sharpness, quality and orientation of the images.
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public interface MultiPageReviewFragmentInterface
Methods which the Multi-Page Review Fragment must implement.
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public interface MultiPageReviewFragmentListener
Interface used by the MultiPageReviewFragment to dispatch events to the hosting Activity.