
Contains the Activity and Fragments used for the return assistant's Digital Invoice Screen.

Screen API

The is launched by the when line item extractions are available. It displays the line items extracted from an invoice document and their total price. The user can deselect line items which should not be paid for and also edit the quantity, price or description of each line item. The total price is always updated to include only the selected line items.

Component API

To use the Component API you have to include the in an Activity in your app (a dedicated Activity is recommended). To receive events from the Fragment your Activity must implement the interface.


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public final class DigitalInvoiceAddon
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public class DigitalInvoiceException extends Exception

Exceptions related to the digital invoice used in the return assistant feature.

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public class DigitalInvoiceFragment extends Fragment implements DigitalInvoiceScreenContract.View, DigitalInvoiceFragmentInterface, LineItemsAdapterListener

When you use the Component API the DigitalInvoiceFragment displays the line items extracted from an invoice document and their total price. The user can deselect line items which should not be paid for and also edit the quantity, price or description of each line item. The total price is always updated to include only the selected line items.

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public interface DigitalInvoiceFragmentInterface

Public API of the DigitalInvoiceFragment.

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public interface DigitalInvoiceFragmentListener

Interface used by the DigitalInvoiceFragment to dispatch events to the hosting Activity.

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public final class DigitalInvoiceKt
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public final class LineItem implements Parcelable

The LineItem class contains information from a line item extraction.

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public final class LineItemsValidator

Use this class with the Component API if you are using the return assistant. You should call its validate method with the compound extractions received in the AnalysisFragmentListener.onExtractionsAvailable() listener method.

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public final class SelectableLineItem implements Parcelable

The SelectableLineItem wrapps a LineItem and adds the possibility to select/deselect it and also add a reason why it's deselected.