
Contains the Activity and Fragments used for the return assistant's Line Item Details Screen.

Screen API

The is launched by the when the user tapps on a line item to edit it. It displays the line item and allows editing it.

Component API

To use the Component API you have to include the in an Activity in your app (a dedicated Activity is recommended). To receive events from the Fragment your Activity must implement the interface.


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public final class LineItemDetailsActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements LineItemDetailsFragmentListener

When you use the Screen API, the LineItemDetailsActivity displays a line item to be edited by the user. The user can modify the following:

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public final class LineItemDetailsFragment extends Fragment implements LineItemDetailsScreenContract.View, LineItemDetailsFragmentInterface

When you use the Component API the LineItemDetailsFragment displays a line item to be edited by the user. The user can modify the following:

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public interface LineItemDetailsFragmentInterface

Public API of the LineItemDetailsFragment.

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public interface LineItemDetailsFragmentListener

Interface used by the LineItemDetailsFragment to dispatch events to the hosting Activity.