
public abstract class GiniCoreAPI<DM extends DocumentManager<DR, E>, DR extends DocumentRepository<E>, E extends ExtractionsContainer>

The GiniCoreAPI instance is the main entry point when interacting with the Gini API. You must hold a reference to its instance as long as you interact with the Gini API.

To configure create an instance use the GiniCoreAPIBuilder.


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public GiniCoreAPI<DM, DR, E> GiniCoreAPI<DM extends DocumentManager<DR, E>>(DM documentManager, CredentialsStore credentialsStore)


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CredentialsStore implementation which is used to store user information. Handy to get information on the "anonymous" user.

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public final DM getDocumentManager()

The DocumentManager provides high level methods to handle document related tasks easily.


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CredentialsStore implementation which is used to store user information. Handy to get information on the "anonymous" user.

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private final DM documentManager

The DocumentManager provides high level methods to handle document related tasks easily.


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