
public class GiniBank

Api for interacting with Capture and Payment features.

The Capture feature is a layer of abstraction above Gini Capture SDK and the Return Assistant feature. Capture feature can be used with:

To use capture features, they need to be configured with setCaptureConfiguration.

To use the pay feature, first setGiniApi needs to be called. The flow for this feature would be:


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Checks hardware requirements for Capture feature. Requirements are not enforced, but are recommended to be checked before using.

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Shows the return reasons dialog in the return assistant, if enabled.

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Get the payment details for the request created by a business. The id is sent in an Intent. Use getRequestId for extracting the id from the Intent.

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public final Unit releaseCapture(Context context, String paymentRecipient, String paymentReference, String paymentPurpose, String iban, String bic, Amount amount)

Frees up resources used by the capture flow.

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public final Unit releaseGiniApi()

Clears the reference to giniApi set by setGiniApi.

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public final ResolvedPayment resolvePaymentRequest(String requestId, ResolvePaymentInput resolvePaymentInput)

Marks the a PaymentRequest as paid.

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public final Unit returnToPaymentInitiatorApp(Context context, ResolvedPayment resolvedPayment)

Starts the app that started the payment flow.

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@Deprecated(message = "Please use setCaptureConfiguration(context, captureConfiguration) which allows instance recreation without having to call releaseCapture()", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "setCaptureConfiguration(context, captureConfiguration)"))
public final Unit setCaptureConfiguration(CaptureConfiguration captureConfiguration)

Sets configuration for Capture feature. Note that configuration is immutable. releaseCapture needs to be called before passing a new configuration.

public final Unit setCaptureConfiguration(Context context, CaptureConfiguration captureConfiguration)

Sets configuration for Capture feature.

public final Unit setDigitalInvoiceNavigationBarBottomAdapter(DigitalInvoiceNavigationBarBottomAdapter digitalInvoiceNavigationBarBottomAdapter)
public final Unit setDigitalInvoiceOnboardingIllustrationAdapter(OnboardingIllustrationAdapter digitalInvoiceOnboardingIllustrationAdapter)
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public final Unit setEnableReturnReasons(Boolean enableReturnReasons)

Shows the return reasons dialog in the return assistant, if enabled.

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public final Unit setGiniApi(GiniBankAPI giniApi)

Set the GiniBankAPI instance to be used for the Pay feature.

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public final Unit startCaptureFlow(ActivityResultLauncher<Unit> resultLauncher)

Screen API for starting the capture flow.

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public final CancellationToken startCaptureFlowForIntent(ActivityResultLauncher<CaptureImportInput> resultLauncher, Context context, Intent intent)

Screen API for starting the capture flow when a pdf or image document was shared from another app.
