Digital Invoice Onboarding Fragment
You should show the DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragment
when the DigitalInvoiceFragmentListener.showOnboarding() is called.
Include the DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragment
into your layout by using the DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragment.createInstance() factory method to create an instance and display it using the
A DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragmentListener instance must be available before the DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragment
is attached to an activity. Failing to do so will throw an exception. The listener instance can be provided either implicitly by making the hosting Activity implement the DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragmentListener interface or explicitly by setting the listener using DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragment.listener.
Your Activity is automatically set as the listener in DigitalInvoiceOnboardingFragment.onCreate().
Customizing the Digital Invoice Onboarding Screen
TODO: PPL-14: Customization guide for return assistant - Android
Set a listener for onboarding events.
Set a listener for onboarding events.