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Gini Capture Network Library for Android

The Gini Capture Network Library for Android provides default implementation of the network related tasks required by the Gini Capture SDK.

See: Description

Package Description
Default implementations of the GiniCaptureNetworkService and the GiniCaptureNetworkApi.
Contains mappers for converting Gini Capture SDK model classes used for extractions to their Gini Pay API lib counterparts and vice versa.

The Gini Capture Network Library for Android provides default implementation of the network related tasks required by the Gini Capture SDK.

Adding this library along with the Gini Capture SDK to your application is the quickest way to integrate invoice scanning.

In order for the Gini Capture SDK to use the default implementations pass the instances to the GiniCapture.Builder when creating a new GiniCapture.


Android 4.4+ (API Level 19+)

Gini GmbH
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