Entity reference


Describes an amount of money with a specific currency in the format <Amount>:<Currency Code>, where <Amount> is a decimal number with ”.” as decimal separator and ”:” as delimiter between <Amount> and <Currency Code>.

The currency code must be given according to the list specified in ISO 4217.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be amount
value string Amount in the defined format
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "amount",
    "value": "33.78:EUR",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 535.0,
        "top": 395.0,
        "width": 25.0,
        "height": 10.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
<Number>:<Currency Code/Symbol> 12.3:EUR; 12,4:USD; 12.98:USD
<Number> <Currency Code/Symbol> (1-space-separation) 12,3 EUR; 12,4 USD; 12 €
<Currency Code/Symbol> <Number> (1-space-separation) EUR 12.3; $ 12.4
  • If there is no <Number> in the string, it will be rejected.
  • If there is no <Currency Code/Symbol>, it will be treated as default ‘EUR’ (default currency code).


Describes a bank account number.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be bankaccount
value string Bank account number in the normalized form (without spaces between digits)
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "bankaccount",
    "value": "1597880",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 506.0,
        "top": 777.0,
        "width": 53.0,
        "height": 6.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
Digits 1597880

If the string has less than 3 digits, it will be rejected.


Describes a bank number.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be banknumber
value string Bank number in the normalized form (without spaces between digits)
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "banknumber",
    "value": "70250150",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 147.0,
        "top": 427.0,
        "width": 52.0,
        "height": 8.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
8 digits 70250150


Describes a BIC number.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be bic
value string BIC number in the normalized form (without spaces between digits and letters)
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "bic",
    "value": "GENODEF1HH2",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 506.0,
        "top": 777.0,
        "width": 53.0,
        "height": 6.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
String matching BIC format GENODEF1HH2


Describes a (sender) company name.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be companyname
value string The company name
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "companyname",
    "value": "Weinquelle Lühmann",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 535.0,
        "top": 395.0,
        "width": 25.0,
        "height": 10.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
Random string with at least 2 letter/digit characters O2, BMW, ABC GmbH

A string with single letter/digit character will be rejected.


Describes a document type as one of the following values:

  • Invoice
  • RemittanceSlip
  • Other


This table reflects the current state of document types in the Gini API. New document types can be added in the future without necessarily changing the API’s version number.

There are also some other document types that are part of the incubator API. See the documentation about the incubator API for more details.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be doctype
value string The document type


    "entity": "doctype",
    "value": "Invoice"

Valid Feedback

Form Example
One of the above listed values Invoice, Reminder


Describes an IBAN.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be iban
value string IBAN in the normalized form (without spaces between digits and letters)
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "iban",
    "value": "DE74700500000000028273",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 425.0,
        "top": 770.0,
        "width": 83.0,
        "height": 6.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
Valid IBAN DE68700202700667302269

Invalid IBAN will be rejected.


Describes a payment reference.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be reference
value string The payment reference with ”, ” as delimiter between reference parts
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "reference",
    "value": "K19218331",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 535.0,
        "top": 395.0,
        "width": 25.0,
        "height": 10.0

Valid Feedback

Form Example
A string with length >= 5 This a reference

A string with less than 5 non-space-letters will be rejected.


Describes a plain text entity.


Name Type Description
entity string Must be text
value string Plain text
box Bounding Box Bounding box of the occurrence including the page number


    "entity": "text",
    "value": "Aktenzeichen: K19218331",
    "box": {
        "page": 1,
        "left": 535.0,
        "top": 395.0,
        "width": 25.0,
        "height": 10.0